Real potential, ready today: Solar energy in Iowa

Re-published with credit to: Iowa Environmental Council

Already a national leader in renewable wind energy, Iowa also has the potential to be a leader in solar photovoltaic (PV) energy production, according to Council research.  The amount of solar energy Iowa could reasonably produce ranks 16th in the nation, and improvements in solar technology along with years of falling prices are helping build momentum in the budding industry.

In a new report, Real Potential, Ready Today:  Solar Energy in Iowa, the Council explains how in addition to providing useful energy, solar PV offers many other benefits:  job creation, consumer savings, cleaner air and water, innovation and technology investment, and improved stability in the electric grid. The report also highlights prominent examples of solar installations from around the state and explains common public policies used in Iowa and nationwide to support solar energy.

“Customers are excited about solar energy, and it is showing up in many diverse settings—at farms, business, universities, utilities, and at homes around the state” said Nathaniel Baer, the Council’s energy program director and lead author of the new publication.  “As interest in solar energy grows, we wanted to share an overview of the role this energy source can play in the mix of energy options Iowa has.”

Use this link to download a copy of the publication (.pdf, 4.77 MB) or view it below.

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Download Real Potential Ready Today: Solar Energy in Iowa a a .pdf (4.77 MB) or view it below.

Slides and figures from the Council’s publication are also available to view through SlideShare.